Spring Has Sprung!

Finally, after a long and cold Winter, Spring has decided to make her annual appearance.  The trees long asleep, now stretch forth their new buds to embrace the welcome warmth.  Hibernating animals also awake, and venture forth seeking their first meal after an extended deep slumber.  Of course we cannot forget the Introverted people of the world.  Like the trees and hibernating animals we also awaken from a kind of introverted slumber.  The days are growing warmer and longer, which means soon the summer parties and invitations will come a knocking.  The very thought makes most Introverts want to go back into hibernation, and fast!  My advice, take baby steps.  Pace yourself, and if you do decide to accept an invitation make sure you schedule a delicious recharging period right after.  Knowing you have some delightful alone time and maybe a good book waiting for you after the party, will help sustain you throughout the event.  Of course every Introvert is different, and we all have our tried and true ways of handling such occasions.  It would be delightful if you posted some of your own ideas on the subject.  Meanwhile, happy introverting!


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